Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A Delay on the Simple Browser

The Simple Browser was going to be Alpha Ready this week, and I even announced it; however, after much research, and frustration with Visual Basic I have been in the process of transfering the project in C# a language I am more familiar with, and the browser can still be downloaded, but it is still in early development, and won't be completed for awhile. I only have the weekends to work on this project, the game engine, and the Tank Annihilation game, and thus it will be quite awhile before I can complete each program. Until then I'll make up for it by having 3 more articles out on Sunday one in physics on Elastic Collision, and in Calculus 3 on Double integrals, and finally in Computer Science which will be a continuation on the Crash Course in SDL that I have started.


  • Windows XP Service Pack 1 or Higher

  • .Net Framework 3.0 or Higher (It should install .Net Framework 3.5 if it doesn't it means you don't have .Net Framework 3.0

Download Simple Browser

Thanks, and as always Enjoy!

c.s. Finch

An adventure of software delight!

I have started my new blog of my progression in the software development community. This blog will keep people updated on the applications I work on, and will provide links to my applications for beta testing, or as open source stand alone no support application.

My first application that I will distribute out to the masses by next week is my Simple Browser. It's a web browser that is nothing more than a very simple browser with basic functionality that a browser would need.


c.s. Finch